AISG Soci                          curriculum vitae

Benjamin Richler

Librarian, cataloguer of MSS at the Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts in the Jewish National and University Library, Jerusalem (Director of the Institute since 1997). Retired.





I frammenti della Ghenizą italiana; i frammenti di manoscritti ebraici dell’Archivio di Stato di Modena.




- Hebrew manuscripts, a treasured legacy (Cleveland-Jerusalem 1990).

- Guide to Hebrew Manuscript Collections (Jerusalem, Israel Academy of Sciences, 1994). Winner of the Association of Jewish Libraries  Bibliography Award for 1995. New revised and enlarged edition in press.


- The Hebrew Manuscripts in the Valmadonna Trust Library (London 1998).

- Hebrew manuscripts in the Biblioteca Palatina in Parma (Jerusalem 2001).

- Catalogue of the Hebrew Manuscripts in the Vatican Library (Vatican City, 2008). Winner of the Association of Jewish Libraries Bibliography Award for 2008.



- [A survey, additions and notes to] J.D. Pearson, "Oriental Mss. in Europe and North America" (1971), in REJ  132 (1973) 153-165.

- [On the Yemenite Midrash ha-Biur and its author] (Hebrew) in Alei Sefer 2 (1976), 91-96.

- A Hebrew paraphrase of the Hippocratic Oath (from a fifth-century manuscript), in Medical History 22,4 (1978) 438-445 (with S. Kottek).

- [Identifying the translator of Al-Batalyusi’s Sefer ha-Agulot ha-Ra’ayoniyot] (Hebrew)  in Kiryat Sefer 53 (1978) 577.

- [New inscriptions from the Palestinian synagogue in Fustat] (Hebrew) in Alei Sefer 5 (1978), 182-185.

- [On the manuscripts of Sefer ha-Yirah attributed to Jonah Gerondi], (Hebrew)  in Alei Sefer 8 (1980), 51-59.

- Manuscripts of Avicenna's Kanon in Hebrew translation; a revised and up-to-date list, in Koroth 8, 3/4 (1982) 145-168.

- Manuscripts of Moses ben Nahman's "Torat ha-Adam, in Koroth 8,7-8 (1983) 265-267.

- Resources for the history of medicine at the Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts, in Koroth 8,9-10 (1984) 407-413.

- Manuscripts of Moses ben Maimon's "Pirke Moshe" in Hebrew translation, in Koroth 9,3-4 (1986) 345-356.

- [Hebrew manuscripts that were split up] (Hebrew) Assufot 1 (1987) 105-158.

- Hebrew manuscript collections in Jewish Book Annual 46 (1988) 62-77.

- [A new letter from Hillel of Verona to Isaac the physician] (Hebrew) in Kiryat Sefer 62 (1989) 450-452.

- Medical treatises by Moses b. Isaac Ibn Waqar in: Koroth 9,9-10 (1989) 700-707.

- [New medical works by Joseph Solomon Delmedigo of Candia] (Hebrew) in Kiryat Sefer 63 (1990), 297-298.

- [Did Moses ibn Waqar precede Hasdai Crescas and Joseph Albo?] (Hebrew) in Kiryat Sefer 63 (1990) 299.

- [Unknown translation of Jonah ibn Janah’s Sefer Shorashim] (Hebrew) in Kiryat Sefer 63 (1990) 993-995; 1327-1328.

- [Supplements to Samuel b. Nissim Masnut’s Midrash on Genesis] (Hebrew) in Kiryat Sefer 63 (1990) 1323-1326.

- The contribution of the Italian parchment fragments to the history of medieval rabbinic literature and booklore in: Manoscritti, frammenti e libri ebraici (1991) 41-50.

- The scribe Moses ben Jacob Ibn Zabara of Spain; a Moroccan saint? in Jewish Art 18 (1992) 141-147.

- Rabbeinu Tam's "lost" commentary on Job, in: The Frank Talmage Memorial Volume, I  (1993), 191-202.

- I frammenti di manoscritti ebraici negli archivi e nelle biblioteche d'Europa e d'Italia in Vita e cultura ebraica (1993) 49-63.

- [Unknown writings of Leone Modena] (Hebrew) in Assufot 6 (1993) 157-172.

- Microfilming the Baron Guenzburg collection of Hebrew manuscripts in the Russian State Library in Moscow, in Judaica Librarianship  8,1-2 (1993-1994) 142-144.

- Resources for the study of Tosafist literature at the Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts, in Rashi et la culture juive (1997) 383-392.

- [On the education of young Jewish women in Renaissance Italy] (Hebrew) in Kiryat Sefer  68 (Supplement) 1998, 275-278.

- Isaac Abravanel's "lost" commentary on Deuteronomy, Jewish Studies at the Turn of the Twentieth Century I (1999) 199-204.

- Frammenti di testi sconosciuti nella “Genizah italiana” in La “Genizah italiana” (1999) 215-226 (translated from the original Hebrew in The Italian Genizah (1998).

- On editing the catalogue of the Hebrew manuscripts in Parma, in Materia Giudaica 7,2 (2002) 217-221.

- Some observations on Weisz's catalogue of the Kaufmann Collection, in David Kaufmann Memorial Volume (2002) 17-26.

- The dispersion of medieval Hebrew manuscripts and its significance for understanding the phenomenon of Hebrew membra disiecta, in "Fragmenta ne pereant" (2002) 75-81.

- Microfilming Hebrew manuscripts in Eastern Europe in Slavic & East European Information Resources 4,2-3 (2003) 59-68.

- [The Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts] (Hebrew) Beit ha- Vaad (2003), 85-94.

- The manuscripts in the lost Library of the Tlomackie St. Synagogue in Warsaw in Studia Rosenthaliana, 38-39 (2006) 360-383.

- Sefer ha-Musar, or Hamas ha-Zeman by ibn Ephraim of Modena in Il Mio Cuore č a Orient, studi ... dedicati a Maria Luisa Mayer Modena (Milano 2008), pp. 753-758.

- [List of manuscripts of Tosafot] (in Hebrew) in Israel Ta-Shema Memorial Volume (in press).

- [The establishment of a beit midrash library in 1693], in Festschrift for Prof. Menahem Schmelzer (in preparation).
