Samuele Rocca                       


M.A., Ph.D. Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan.

Postdoctorate, Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome.





Ebraismo all’ epoca del Secondo Tempio, Erode il Grande, la Diaspora Ebraica nell'Italia Romana, l'ebraismo nel Tardo Antico.



Riviste internazionali

1999: “A Hellenistic Columbarium at Ziqim”, Atiqot XXXVIII, 1999, in collaboration with Boaz Zissu.

2005: “The Book of Judith and Queen Sholmzion”, Materia giudaica X, 1, 2005.

2006:  “A Jewish Gladiator in Pompeii”, Materia giudaica XI, 2006.

2009: “The Jews of Rome and the politics of the Late Republic”, XV World Congress of Jewish Studies, published on line.

2010: “Back to Masada: A Retrospective of a Retrospective, Review of A. Ben Tor, Back to Masada”, Jerusalem, Yad Ben Zvi, 2009, in Zion LXXV, 2010, pp. 505-508.

2010: “Josephus, Suetonius, and Tacitus on the Military Service of the Jews of Rome: Discrimination or Norm?”, Italia XX, 2010, pp. 7-30.

2010: “Diritto Ebraico ed Ebrei nell’Impero Romano, Recensione del libro del Professore A.M. Rabello”, Ebraismo e Diritto. Studi sul Diritto Ebraico e gli Ebrei nell'Impero Romano scelti e raccolti da F. Lucrezi” in Rivista di Diritto Romano X, 2010.

2010:  “Ehud Netzer (1934-2010) – In Memoriam”, Henoch XXXII, 2010/2.

2010: “Ehud Netzer (1934-2010) – A Bibliography”, Henoch XXXII, 2010/2.

2014: “The Late Republic and Hasmonean Judaea”, Athenaeum 102 (2014) (to be published).

2014: “Domitian’ Attitude towards the Jews in the Light of his Numismatic Output”, in Zissu, B. (ed.), Israel Numismatic Journal 18, Volume in Memory of Dan Barag (to be published).


Libri, o contributi a libri

1999: Contribution to the Catalogue of the exhibit Images of Inspirations, Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem 1999, in collaboration with Dr. Joan Goodnick Westenholz.

2001: Contribution to the Catalogue of the exhibit Human Form Divine, Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem, under the direction of A. Spycket.

2001: Contribution to the Catalogue of the exhibit, Glories of Ancient Greece, Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem, under the direction of M Bernheim.

2002: Contribution to the Catalogue of the exhibit, Reflections in Ancient Glass from the Borowski Collection, under the direction of R. Bianchi (editor).

2004-2005: Encyclopedic entries, Encyclopaedia Judaica: Ascoli Ettore, D'Ancona Family, D' Ancona Vito, Ancona, Aquileia, Ascoli, Bassano, Cassuto Umberto, Corcos Vittorio, Diringer David, Florence, Friuli, Gorizia, Istria, Joseph Ha Coken, Judah Ben Jehiel, Legio, Levi Doro, Lolli Eude, Liuzzi, Lombroso Cesare, Luzzatto Ephraim, Margulies Samuel Hirsch, Michelstaedter Carlo, Milano, Moscati Sabatino, Naples, Ostia, Pompeii, Ravenna, Rome, Rottembourg Henry, Rovigo, San Daniele del Friuli, Sermoneta Baruch, Sforno Ovadiah, Treviso, Trieste, Turin.

2006: “Josephus and the Psalms of Solomon on Herod Messianic Aspirations”, in Z. Rodgers (ed.), Making History: Josephus and Historical Method, Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism 110, Leiden 2006.

2008: The Forts of Judaea 168 BC – 73 AD, Fortress Series 65, Osprey Publishing 2008.

2008: Herod’s Judaea – A Mediterranean State in the Classical World, Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism 122, Tübingen 2008.

2010: The Army of Herod the Great, Men at Arms Series 443 – Osprey Publishing 2010.

2010: The Fortifications of Ancient Israel and Judah, Fortress Series 91, Osprey Publishing 2010.

2011: “The Purposes and Functions of the Synagogue in Late Second Temple Period Judaea: Evidence from Josephus and Archaeological Investigation” in J. Pastor, P. Stern, M. Mor (eds.), Flavius Josephus, Interpretation and History, Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism 146, Leiden 2011. 

2012-2013: Encyclopedic entries, Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (EBR): Herodian Dynasty, Herodias, Herod the Great, Herod Antipas, Homicide Judaism Second Temple and Hellenistic Judaism.

2012: La Brigata Ebraica, e le unità ebraiche nell’esercito britannico durante la seconda guerra mondiale, Soldiershop Publishing 2012.






 Materia giudaica



