Maurice M. Roumani

Professor 2007-8.

Schusterman Visiting Professor of Israeli Studies, Norman, The University of Oklahoma.



Schusterman Visiting Professor of Israeli Studies
The University of Oklahoma
School of International and Area Studies
Norman, OK 73019, USA

tel. (405) 325-2918

mobile: (405) 694-7543




Ebraismoorientale/sefaradita;ebrei dei paesi arabi;l'etnia e Israele; Islam e Ebraismo.



- Forces of Change in the Middle East. Edited with Introduction. (Mass.: WSC Press), pp. 112.


- Some Aspects of Socialization in the Israeli Army, in S. Poll and E. Krausz (eds.),  Ethnic and Religious Diversity in Israel, Ramat Gan, Israel. Bar Ilan University Press, pp. 35-53.


- The Case of Jews in Arab Countries, in Case Studies on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms: A World Survey, Vol I, (The Hague, Holland Martinus Nijhoff), pp. 71-100 (See references in J. Peters, From Time Immemorial: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict over Palenstine,New York, Harper & Row, 1984; also in E.E. Azar, The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Costs and Consequences, in Korea and World Affairs, Vol. 8, No 2, summer 1984, pp. 300-318). 


- From Immigrant to Citizen: The Contribution of the Army to National Integration in Israel, The Hague: Foundation of Plural Societies, pp. 163.


- The Case of Jews from Arab Countries: A Neglected Issue,Tel-Aviv, 4th printing in four languages: English, French, Hebrew and Spanish; Tel-Aviv: WOJAC, pp. 75.


- The Contribution of the Army to the Socialization of Oriental Jews, in M.Lissak and B. Kimmerling (eds.), Tzava U-Bittahon, Miqra-a, Jerusalem: The Hebrew University, pp. 509-540.


- An Attempt to Promote Disadvantaged Population in the IDF (Hebrew), inS. Deshen (ed.),Half the Nation: Studies in the Culture and Studies of the Middle East Jews in Israel, Ramat Gan, Israel: The Kotlav Institute for Judaism and Contemporary Thought. Bar-Ilan University,  pp. 213-235. (See reference in Ch. Raphael, The Road from Babylon: The Story of Sephardi and Oriental Jews, N.Y. Harper Row, 1985. See also Gensler, op. cit)

- Zionist Efforts to effect Change in the Jewish Community in Libya at the beginning of the Twentieth Century (Hebrew), inJ. Chetreet and Z. Yehuda (eds.), Miqqdem Umiyyam II, Studies in the Jewish Society in Islamic Countries and Sephardic Diaspora, Haifa, Israel. University of Haifa, pp. 251-278.

- Labor's Expectations and Israeli Reality: Ethnic Voting as Means Towards Political and Social Change, in B. Reich and G.R. Kieval (eds.), Israel Faces the Future, N.Y.: Praeger, pp. 57-79.


- Zionism and Social Change in Libya at the Turn of the Century, "Studies in Zionism" Vol 8, No. 1, pp. 1-24.


- The Ethnic Factor in Israel's Foreign Policy, in B. Reich and G.R. Kieval (eds.),  Israel's National  Security  Policy, New York:  Greenwood Press, pp.79-105.

- The Sephardi Factor in Israeli Politics,"Middle East Journal" Vol 42, No. 3, pp. 423-435.


- H. Dietz, J. Elkins, M.M. Roumani (eds.),Ethnicity, Integration and the Military, Boulder, Co.: Westview Press, pp. 227.


- Aspects of the Holocaust in Libya,  in S. Gaon and M. Serels.(eds.), Del Fuego: Sephardim and  the  Holocaust, N.Y.: Sepher-Hermon Press, pp. 123-139.


- Interfaith Dialogue and Reforms, "Interfaith-Quarterly" No. 14, Amman: Royal Institute for Interfaith Studies, pp. 25-28.


-The Next Phase: Interfaith Dialogue and Cultural Relations,in F.Wolfgang (ed.),L’emergence d’une nouvelle culture mediterraneenne  – The Emergence of a New MediterraneanCultureMaghre-Mashriq-Israel,Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Peter Lang,pp. 101-107.


- Yahadut Luv: Hemshekheyut ve-histaglut (Libyan Jewry: Continuity  andAdaptation) in M. Avshalom and A. Ben-David (eds.),Edot- Edut LeYisrael (The Tribes – Evidence of Israel), Israel: Agudah Le-Tippush Hevra ve-Tarbut, Tiud u-Mehkar, pp.374-400.

- Minoranze religiose e crisi del welfare: l’ebraismo in Inghilterra e Francia, (Religious minorities and the crisis of welfare: Judaism in England and France) in "Religioni e Societa: Rivista di scienze sociali della  Religione"n. 39, gennaio-aprile, pp. 69-82.

- Le Forze che operano nel pluralismo ebraico,(The forces that operate in Jewish pluralism), Bulletin of the Association for the Study of Religious Phenomenon), in ASFeR (Associazione per lo Studio di Fenomeni  Religiosi). Firenze: Tipografia Copini, pp. 22-23.


- A. Nesti (ed.) with P. Antes, A. Jacopozzi, C. Konnaris, C. Migdalis, J. Petrous, M. Roumani, A. Spini, After the Militant, The Volunteer Beyond The Secularization: European  Identity, Welfare State, Religion(s),Milano: Franco Angeli,pp. 159.

- Civil Society and the Challenge of Modernization: The case of the Muslim World,  DieWelt, Germany, p. 29.


- The Silent Refugees: Jews from Arab Countries, in Mediterranean Quarterly: A Journal of Global Issues, Vol. 14, No.3,pp.41-78.

- The Jewish Refugees from Arab countries: time to settle accounts, in The Canadian Jewish News, Supplement, Section B, pp.2-7.


- Yahadut Luv Bir-i Hamekhkar Ve-Hasifrut Kayom (Libyan Jewry in light  of today's research and literature) in Roumani and Hallamish (eds.),Libyan   Jews: Identity, Heritage and History, pp. 24 (in press).

- Bein Masoret Le-Moderna Be-Luv batqufa ha-Italqit (Between Tradition and Modernity in Libya during the Italian period,) in Roumani and Hallamish (eds.),Libyan Jews: Identity, Heritage and History,pp. 19 (in press).
