Gad (Giorgio) Ben Ami Sarfatti (Pisa, 5 Novembre 1916 - Gerusalemme, 30 Dicembre 2005)

È statoProfessore presso la Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan (Israele); Dept. of Hebrew and Semitic Languages.



Lingua ebraica; ebraico mishnaico; epigrafia ed iconografia ebraica; semantica dell’ebraico; le traduzioni ebraiche medievali delle opere di Alfarabi.


- The Semantic Aspect of Hebrew [in Hebrew]. The Academy of the Hebrew Language (in press)

- The Hebrew Language of the Middle Ages: The Language of the Translators [in Hebrew]. Jerusalem, The Open University (in press)

- The Zodiac in Jewish Iconography. In: Religioussionism- A Collection of Writings. (in press).

- Remarks on Four Halakhot in the Tractate Avot. In: Volume in Memory of A.A. Urbach [in Hebrew]. (in press).

- Do We Talk According to Sense or According to Sound? Hebrew Linguistics, vol. 48, (in press), p. 63-79.

- What is the Difference Between Peri and Perot? Leshonenu La'am, (in press) .

- What Does the Word Degel Mean? Leshonenu La'am, (in press) .

- Hebrew Script on a Statue of the Cathedral of Beziers. Leshonenu La'am, (in press) .

- The Four Reshuyyiot of Shabbat [in Hebrew]. Sidra, (in press) .

- Hebrew Script in Western Visual Arts. Italia, (in press) .

- and Dubnov, Q. The Semantics of the Denominative Verbs. Leshonenu, (in press) .

- The Language of the Patriarchs According to Nachmanides. In: Sharvit, S., p. 277-283. Ramat Gan, studies in ancient and modern hebrew in honour of M.Z. Kaddari, 1999.

- Un Importante Manoscritto Della Mishnah Nella "Genizah Italiana'. In: Perani, M. (ed.) La "Genizah Italiana" [in Italian], p. 179-183. Bologna, 1999.

- The Italian 'Genizah': Manuscripts of the Mishna. In: David, A. and Tabory, J. (eds.) The Italian Genizah [in Hebrew], p. 97-99. Jerusalem, 1998.

- The Eve of Passover. Scripta Hierosolimitana, vol. 37, 1998, p. 323-335.

- Deciphering a Hebrew Diptych from the Karlsruhe Collection [in Hebrew]. Leshonenu La'am, vol. 50, 1998, p. 122-128.

- Two Seventeenth-Century Translation of the Gospel [in Hebrew]. Leshonenu La'am, vol. 50, 1998, p. 22-26.

- In the Language of My People - Essays on Hebrew [in Hebrew]. Jerusalem, 1997.

- The Gospel of John in Hebrew. Leshonenu La'am, vol. 49, 1997, p. 26-31.

- Dalla Parola di Dio Alla Parola Degli Uomini [in Italian]. Lettera Internazionale, vol. 51/52, 1997, p. 8-9.

- Hebrew in Paintings of Vittore Carpaccio. Leshonenu La'am, vol. 47, 1997, p. 116-125.

- Teaching Hebrew as a Living Language. In: Professor Moshe Arend Jubilee Volume, p. 326-329. Jerusalem, 1996.

- Latin Language in Hebrew Script in European Art [in Hebrew]. Leshonenu La'am, vol. 47, 1996, p. 19-29.

- The Gospel of Matthew in Hebrew and Syriac in Two 16th Century Painting. Leshonenu La'am, vol. 47, 1996, p. 50-56.

- Semantic Borrowing in Hebrew Lexicography [in Hebrew]. Hebrew Linguistics, vol. 40, 1996, p. 31-46.






 Materia giudaica



